Do I really need to study more than 2 hours a day to pass the Oracle 1Z0-1046-21?

Not necessarily, it’s easy to understand! Because the content of the Oracle 1Z0-1046-21 exam you study every day is too much and too messy, and it may not help you successfully pass the Oracle 1Z0-1046-21 exam! I’m not saying don’t study, I mean that daily study can improve your comprehensive strength but not necessarily help you take the exam!
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Free Oracle 1Z0-1046-21 exam PDF

PDF is a very popular learning tool, you can download it online. The latest free Oracle 1Z0-1046-21 exam PDF is from leads4pass 1Z0-1046-21 exam dumps!
We share part of the exam content to let you know the latest exam situation in advance. Get the complete exam questions and answers in leads4pass.

Oracle 1Z0-1046-21 exam questions and answers online practice test


A manager checks the availability of a worker. The manager is not aware that the worker does not have a work schedule assigned. Which of the three items will be used to determine the availability of a worker? (Choose three.)

A. Calendar Events
B. Absences
C. Standard Working Hours
D. Time Sheet
E. Contract Data
Correct Answer: ABC


You hired an employee on January 1, 2015. This employee got married on June 12, 2015. You received a request from
the employee on July 11, 2015, to change their last name from the date of the marriage. You changed the last name of
the employee as requested on the same day. What effective start date for this new employee is displayed by the system as of August 15, 2015?

A. January 1, 2015
B. June 12, 2015
C. July 11, 2015
D. August 15, 2015
Correct Answer: B


An HR administrator is unable to enter the details of an intern due to the unavailability of the right choice of values. The HR administrator is unaware that the worker type “Intern” has not been set up in the application.
Select four valid system person types (which are part of the person model) that the HR administrator should be aware
of. (Choose four.)

A. Contract Worker
B. Person of Interest
C. Contingent Worker
D. Employee
E. Non-Worker
F. Pending Worker
Correct Answer: CDEF


Which employment actions can a Line Manager perform through the Smart Navigation icon within the Global search, the Directory search, My Team, or while viewing the Person Employment Information page of the Person Spotlight Page of their direct reports?

A. Promote, Transfer, Terminate, Location Change, Manager Change, and Add Global Assignment
B. Promote, Suspend, Terminate, Location Change, Manager Change, and Add Additional Assignment
C. Promote, Transfer, Terminate, Location Change, Manager Change, and Suspend Assignment
D. Promote, Transfer, Terminate, Location Change, Create Work Relationship and Add Assignment
Correct Answer: C



As an employee within an organization, you access your Public Information/Spotlight page within the
Directory. What updates are you allowed to directly make on this page that all users with access to your Public
The spotlight will be able to view?

A. Update area of expertise, area of interest, contact information, profile photo, public message, and HR Representative
B. Update about me, area of expertise, area of interest, contact information, profile photo, public message, and peer
C. Update about me, area of expertise, area of interest, contact information, profile photo, public message, and
background photo.
D. Update home address, area of interest, contact information, profile photo, public message, and background photo.
Correct Answer: A


As an implementation consultant, you are in the process of setting up geographies in the application.
Which three statements are true about defining geographies? (Choose three.)

A. You must set geography validation for the specific address style for a country.
B. You must identify the top-level of geography as a Country and define a geography type.
C. You can only modify all levels of the geography structure before you load the geography hierarchy.
D. It is mandatory to define geography validation before geography hierarchy can be defined.
E. You must map geography to reporting establishments for reporting purposes.
Correct Answer: ABC


As a consultant in your company, you are required to set up names and details of schools, colleges, universities, and so
on, so that users can select from this list when entering their qualifications such as degrees. Identify the correct setup
the task in Functional Setup Manager > Define Workforce Profiles. There are assignment records of one or more
employees associated with this grade

A. Define Talent Profile Content > Manage Educational Establishments
B. Define Talent Profile Content > Manage Content Subscribers
C. Define Talent Profiles > Manage Profile Types
D. Define Talent Profile Content > Manage Profile Content Items
Correct Answer: A


You are implementing the Checklist functionality for one of your customers. The customer wants the checklist template
to be allocated to persons automatically. What should you do to archive the required functionality?

A. Managers can automatically allocate checklist templates to the persons whom they manage from Person Gallery.
B. Associate the eligibility profile with the checklist template to allocate the checklist to persons automatically when they satisfy the criteria built in the eligibility profile.
C. Associate the action with the checklist template to allocate the checklist to persons automatically when they
experience the action.
D. Associate the area of responsibility with the checklist template to allocate the checklist to persons automatically when they are given the specific area of responsibility.
E. Associate a life event with the checklist template to allocate the checklist to persons automatically when they
experience the event.
Correct Answer: C


As a Line Manager within an organization, you are able to perform a search on restricted worker information within the
Directory. What values are you able to search for that other worker and HR administrators are unable to within the Directory?

A. work location, department, job title, and school education
B. work location, department, areas of expertise, and areas of interest
C. worker competencies, languages, licenses and certifications, and school education information
D. work location, department, and languages
Correct Answer: D


Which two statements are true about Action and Action Reasons? (Choose two.)

A. There is always a one-to-one relationship between Action Type and Action.
B. It is mandatory to associate Actions with Action Reasons.
C. The history of effective date changes can be tracked well by using the Actions framework.
D. Terminations predictive analytics uses Actions and Reasons data to identify whether a termination is voluntary or
Correct Answer: CD


As an HR manager in your organization, you want to categorize the hiring process as part-time hiring and
full-time hiring. What is the correct action to take in order to meet this requirement?

A. Create two new actions and associate them with the existing action type, Hire an Employee.
B. Create two new actions: hire part-time employees and hire a full-time employee.
C. Create two new actions and new action reasons and associate them with each other.
D. Create two new action types: hire part-time employees and hire a full-time employee.
E. Create two new action types and associate them with the existing action, Hire.
Correct Answer: A


You are part of a new implementation and have the seeded HR Specialist role. You are able to find all the workers in
Person Gallery, but not able to view a single worker on the Person Management page. Identify two reasons for this.
(Choose two.)

A. The Person Security Profile in the data role, which is attached to the seeded HR Specialist application role, does not
allow the person access to data.
B. The Person Profile is not created for any of the employees in the new instance.
C. The Refresh Manager Hierarchy process is not run in the instance.
D. The seeded HR Specialist role does not have access to hire the worker in the instance.
E. The Public Person Security Profile is set up as View All Workers in the data role, which is attached to the seeded HR
Specialist application role.
Correct Answer: AD


As an HR Administrator, you want to add an additional assignment for an existing worker. You access the
worker\’s information via the Manage Employment task, select Update and enter an Effective Date, but you
are unable to select the Add Assignment action from the Action field dropdown.
What is preventing you from selecting the action?

A. The employee has no active work relationships.
B. The employee has a suspended assignment.
C. Employment Model 2-Tier multiple assignments have not been enabled at the enterprise and/or the legal entity level.
D. The employee already has multiple assignments within that legal employer.
Correct Answer: B

Human Capital Management (HCM) related exam list

Human Capital Management (HCM) is oracle’s latest update and most popular exam series, and now there are many most popular exam cloud series. Such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud, and so on. Here I will share the exam dump, exam PDF, online exam practice questions of the Oracle cloud series

Exam NameExam PDFExam PracticeAdvanced Exam Dumps
1z0-1046-20 1z0-1046-20 PDF 1z0-1046-20 Exam Practice
1z0-1046-21 1z0-1046-21 PDF 1z0-1046-21 Exam Practice
1z0-1047-20 1z0-1047-20 PDF 1z0-1047-20 Exam Practice
1z0-1048-20 1z0-1048-20 PDF 1z0-1048-20 Exam Practice
1z0-1049-20 1z0-1049-20 PDF 1z0-1049-20 Exam Practice
1z0-1050-20 1z0-1050-20 PDF 1z0-1050-20 Exam Practice
1z0-1051-20 1z0-1051-20 PDF 1z0-1051-20 Exam Practice
1z0-1052-20 1z0-1052-20 PDF 1z0-1052-20 Exam Practice
1z0-1053-20 1z0-1053-20 PDF 1z0-1053-20 Exam Practice
1z0-1069-20 1z0-1069-20 PDF 1z0-1069-20 Exam Practice


This site shares the Oracle 1Z0-1046-21 exam PDF and part of the online mock test. This content comes from a part of the leads4pass certification exam! You can visit leads4pass to get the complete Oracle 1Z0-1046-21 exam dump (PDF + VCE). We provide two learning modes: PDF and VCE. You can choose anyone! leads4pass is a leader in the examination and certification industry and enjoys the highest reputation.
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PDF is a very popular learning tool, you can download it online. The latest free Oracle 1Z0-1046-21 exam PDF is from leads4pass 1Z0-1046-21 exam dumps!
We share part of the exam content to let you know the latest exam situation in advance. Get the complete exam questions and answers in leads4pass.

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